Klamath History

Klamath History

Our 20-acre camping, fishing and prospecting site sits on the beautiful Klamath River. The Klamath River flows from a broad patchwork of lakes and marshes at the foot of the Cascade Mountains on the California-Oregon border, and winds southwest into California. After passing through five hydropower dams, the river reaches the Pacific Ocean south of the fishing community of Crescent City. The river has been home to indigenous people for thousands of years and tribes including the Yurok, Karuk, Hoopa, Shasta and Klamath rely on, and care for, the river today.

Klamath River salmon runs were once the third largest in the nation but have fallen to just eight percent of their historic numbers. Chinook and coho salmon, steelhead and coastal cutthroat trout, green and white sturgeon, and Pacific lamprey all rely on the Klamath.

This is an absolutely gorgeous spot that provides everything mother nature has to offer.

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