Dirt Biking

The exhilaration of riding a motorcycle off the road is a whole different experience to road riding. While sales pitches from companies like Harley Davidson talk about the freedom of the open road, you still have the limitations of road rules, speed limits, and other traffic to contend with. The only limit to what you can do on a dirt bike off-road is your skill level. If you want to open the throttle on an open stretch of trail – do it. You want to pull a wheelie, stoppie, jump, slide, or try to get up that steep hill climb – do it.

It is your ride, and you ride the way you want. We have acres and acres of land to rip through and trail ride or go to our private 5-acre track and just rip all day with your buddies.

It’s hard to think about the stresses going on in your life when you’re using all your energy to negotiate a tricky trail. The only thing on your mind is getting through the next section without dropping the bike. If you’re feeling stressed about what is going on at work, or at home, go for a ride and blow off some of that steam and come back a more relaxed person. Forget drugs or alcohol to relieve stress, get on that dirt bike.

When riding your dirt bike, you can’t be thinking of anything else. You must be ‘in the moment’. It demands so much of your attention that you must be mentally sharp and mentally focused on exactly what’s in front of you. This has benefits in all areas of your life. Watch out for those trees and we will see you out there!

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